biscuit base
Universal crushed biscuit base for various cakes/pies.
total ingredients
- 185g graham cracker
- 125g butter
- 70g sugar
- (optional) cinnamon
ingredients by use case & order
- 185g graham cracker (crushed)
- 125g butter (melted)
- 70g sugar
- (optional) cinnamon
190°C 8 min
how to
- Butter a mould of choice. The default amount of ingredients should cover the bottom of a round cake pan with a diameter of 24cm (~450cm2).
- Crush the graham crackers. I recommend using mortar and pestle. Put into a bowl.
- Mix in the sugar and, if you want to, cinnamon to taste.
- Melt butter.
- Transfer the mixture to the buttered mould. Spread evenly, I recommend using a bottom of a glass.
- Bake for 8 minutes at 190°C.
Lost to time.