total ingredients
- tomato sauce made in advance
- pizza dough made in advance
- 2 medium onions
- 2 large peppers
- salami
- 250g light mozzarella
- 200g cheddar
- anything you like on pizza
ingredients by use case & order
- tomato sauce made in advance
- pizza dough made in advance
- 2 medium onions
- 2 large peppers
- salami
- 250g light mozzarella
- 200g cheddar
- anything you like on pizza
250°C 9 min
how to
- Prepare the tomato sauce and pizza dough in advance.
- The default pizza dough should be enough for 6/7 calzone balls. Divide it into the chosen number and let proof for 30 minutes.
- Tomato sauce can either be added inside before baking or poured on top after calzones are ready. If you prefer it inside, make sure it's cooled.
- For the onion and pepper filling, cut either into thin strips or dice (whichever you prefer to encounter while eating). Add everything into a pan and saute until not raw. Season to taste.
- Shred the cheeses. I recommend putting them inside a freezer for ~15 minutes before shredding.
- Everything you add inside the dough should be cooled down.
- One by one roll the dough balls out into circles. On one half of the dough, with half a centimeter of space around the edge, put: cheese, salami, onion and pepper filling, anything else you chose, onion and pepper filling, salami, cheese.
- Wrap everything with other half of the dough and join at the edge.
- Bake for 9 minutes at 250°C.
Joshua Weissman's perfect homemade cheesy calzones. Modified.