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total ingredients

  • 240g butter
  • 280g sugar
  • ~30g honey
  • salt
  • vanilla
  • 3 eggs
  • 300g chocolate
  • 180g flour
  • 40g cocoa

ingredients by use case & order

  • 240g butter (melted)
  • 280g sugar
  • ~30g honey

  • 3 eggs
  • vanilla
  • salt
  • 150g chocolate (melted)

  • 180g flour
  • 40g cocoa

  • 150g chocolate (chunks)

180°C 22 min

how to

  1. Take eggs out of the fridge. Add sugar and honey into a mixing bowl.
  2. Chop chocolate into chunks.
  3. Melt butter. Pour into the mixing bowl and whisk.
  4. Melt chocolate (same pot).
  5. Whisk in eggs, salt and vanilla.
  6. Add in the melted chocolate, whisk.
  7. Sift in flour & cocoa.
  8. Mix in chocolate chunks.
  9. Bake for 22 minutes at 180°C.


Tasty's best fudgy chocolate brownies. Scaled up by one egg (1.5x), slightly less butter and some sugar replaced with honey.