pizza dough
Can be used for calzones (default amount makes ~6), pizza (with tomato sauce, default amount makes 2), or on its own for a foccacia.
total ingredients
- 650g flour
- 405g water
- 10g salt
- 8g dry yeast
- 12g olive oil
ingredients by use case & order
- 405g water (warm to touch)
- 8g dry yeast
- 650g flour
- 10g salt
- 12g olive oil
250°C 15 min
how to
- Heat up water so it's warm to touch (optional).
- Mix in the dry yeast, let bloom for ~10 minutes.
- Add in flour and salt, mix dough until barely combined.
- Add in the olive oil, mix until a uniform dough forms.
- Choose and apply your favourite method of gluten forming (stretch and fold, knead by hand).
- As a foccacia bake for 14 minutes at 250°C.
- As a thick pizza, bake with only tomato sauce for 12 minutes. Then add in your toppings and bake for 3 more minutes.
A 62.5% hydration dough with a drizzle of olive oil and yeast.