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I recommend making the macarons based on the amount of egg whites you have. Enter how many grams of egg whites you have below and the other ingredients will be adjusted accordingly.

3 egg whites is a good start for one batch.

To use up the yolks check out lemon tart or creme brulee.

total ingredients

  • 45g sugar
  • salt
  • 108g almond flour
  • 144g powdered sugar

ingredients by use case & order

  • 90g egg whites
  • 45g sugar
  • salt

  • 108g almond flour
  • 144g powdered sugar

145°C 13 min + flip and 5 min more if using silicone mat

how to

  1. Into a mixing bowl, add the egg whites and a sprinkle of salt. Let come up to room temperature.
  2. Into a separate bowl, sift in the almond flour and powdered sugar. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Add the other sugar into a glass.
  4. Prepare a piping bag.
  5. Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks while gradually adding sugar. ⅓ at a time should be good.
  6. Gradually fold in the dry ingredients. ⅓ at a time should be good.
  7. Fold until homogenous, then keep folding until a figure eight drizzle on top of the batter disappears in 25 seconds consistency is reached.
  8. Transfer into a piping bag and pipe out the cookies.
  9. Leave the cookies to dry out for at least an hour until a skin forms on top and you can touch it without leaving a mark.
  10. Bake for 13 minutes at 145°C. If you are using a silicone mat, after 12 minutes flip it around and bake for 5 more minutes. Make sure it's at most at the middle rack of your oven. After 17 minutes have passed, Take it out of the oven but leave it on the hot baking sheet until it cools down to make sure the bottom is cooked through.


My own recipe inspired by this paper.