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white chocolate cheesecake (2 layers)

Preferably with biscuit base made in advance.

total ingredients

  • 740g cream cheese
  • 300ml 18% cream
  • 2 ½ tbsp corn starch
  • 250g sugar
  • vanilla
  • 320ml 30% cream
  • 3 tbsp powdered sugar
  • 170g white chocolate

ingredients by use case & order

  • 570g cream cheese (room temp)
  • 300ml 18% cream (cold)
  • 2 tbsp corn starch
  • 250g sugar
  • vanilla

  • 170g cream cheese (room temp)
  • 170g white chocolate (melted)
  • vanilla

  • 320ml 30% cream (very cold)
  • 3 tbsp powdered sugar

175°C 30 min

how to

  1. Cream cheese should be room temperature. Whipping cream should be the coldest you can get it (put into a freezer ~30 minutes before you whip it, I recommend doing it on step 5).
  2. Whip 570g of cream cheese with 18% cream and sugar until fluffy. Whisk in the corn starch and vanilla.
  3. Pour into a buttered baking dish of choice, ideally with a base. With default amounts of ingredients I use a round baking dish with a diameter of 24cm that's 7 cm high (~3150cm3).
  4. Bake for around 30 minutes at 175°C. Should still have a bit of jiggle in the center.
  5. Leave for ~15 minutes in the oven with the door slightly opened. Afterwards take out and let cool completely (preferable to fridge temperature).
  6. Take the finished bottom layer out of the oven and let cool completely (preferably to fridge temperature).
  7. Whip the remaining cream cheese with vanilla until fluffy.
  8. Melt white chocolate and whisk it into the cream cheese.
  9. In a separate bowl whip the whipping cream with powdered sugar until stiff.
  10. Fold in the whipped cream into cream cheese.
  11. Pour the white chocolate layer on top of the first cheese cake layer.
  12. Put into the fridge until set (~2 hours).


Lost to time.