cinnamon rolls
total ingredients
- 480ml milk
- 100g sugar
- 260g butter
- 2 ¼ tsp dry yeast
- 625g flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- salt
- 165g brown sugar
ingredients by use case & order
- 480 milk (warm to touch)
- 100g butter (melted, preferably while heating milk)
- 100g sugar
- 2 ¼ tsp dry yeast
- 625g flour
- salt
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 165g brown sugar
- 160g butter (room temp)
- cinnamon
180°C 25 min
how to
- Melt 100g of butter in a pot. Add in milk and sugar. Heat/cool down until it's warm to touch (won't kill yeast).
- Whisk in yeast, let bloom for a few minutes.
- Add flour, salt and baking powder. Mix until a uniform dough forms.
- Leave for an hour or two until the dough doubles in size.
- Knead until the dough stretches without tearing, adding as little flour as possible. Will be sticky.
- Prepare the filling by whisking cinnamon, brown sugar and rest of the butter (should be room temp) together.
- Roll out into a rectangle.
- Spread the filling evenly over the dough.
- Roll the dough into a log.
- Cut into even rolls. Around 12 rolls should come out.
- Put the rolls into buttered baking dishes. Let proof for ~2 hours or until doubled in size.
- Bake for around 25 minutes at 180°C.
Tasty's homemade cinnamon rolls.