Rogale Świętomarcińskie
Wikipedia translates it to St. Martin's croissant. It's basically a rough croissant with white poppy seed, almond/orange filling.
total ingredients
- 225g white poppy seeds
- 297g (225 + 72) sugar
- 140g small round sponge cakes, no clue what these would be in english
- 314g (42 + 72 + 200) butter
- 5 eggs
- 42g raisins
- 45g almonds
- 30g walnuts
- 40g (25 + 15) candied orange peel
- ½ tsp almond extract
- 600g flour
- 240ml milk
- 48g sugar
- 8g dry yeast
- salt
- 100g powdered sugar
- 3 tbsp of water
- 60g almond flakes
ingredients by use case & order
- 225g white poppy seeds
- 42g raisins
- 45g almonds
- 30g walnuts
- 25g candied orange peel
- 225g sugar
- 42g butter
- salt
- ½ tsp almond extract
- 140g small round sponge cakes
- 3 eggs
- 240ml milk
- 72g butter
- 8g dry yeast
- salt
- 72g sugar
- 2 eggs
- 600g flour
- 100g powdered sugar
- 3 tbsp of water
- 60g almond flakes
- 15g candied orange peel
180°C ~20 min
how to
- Freeze 200g of butter.
- Boil poppy seeds in water for 30 minutes, leave to cool.
- Once cooled, blitz them in food processor/grind them with meat grinder/mortar and pestle them.
- Chop almonds, walnuts and raisins into smaller chunks. Add orange peel.
- In a medium pot melt butter, sugar and a pinch of salt.
- Add in the nuts, raisins and orange peel and let fry for 3 minutes.
- Add in the poppy seeds and cook over small heat for ~8 minutes while stirring.
- Take off the heat and mix in the almond extract. Crumble in the round sponge cakes. Crumbles should be at most almond-sized.
- Mix in 3 eggs, refrigerate.
- Melt butter, mix with milk to cool.
- Whisk together sugar, 2 eggs and a pinch of salt.
- Mix everything with yeast, let bloom for few minutes.
- Add in the flour, make dough, knead until smooth.
- Let proof for 30 minutes.
- While proofing, grate the frozen butter and put it back into the freezer.
- Roll out the dough into 1cm thick rectangle with about 1:2 proportions.
- Spread the grated butter on 2/3 of the dough. Fold in 1/3 on top, fold in the rest on top. Put into the refrigerator for 10 minutes and repeat 2 more times (3 in total).
- Roll out again (I like to split in half and do 1 half at a time, second one is chilling in the refrigerator).
- Cut into triangles. Make a few centimeters cut at the base of the rectangle. Put a line of the filling on both sides of the cut rectangle merging together above the cut and going to the top. Roll up the split base of the rectangle until you reach the end of the cut, then roll the top part into the split. Basically make a croissant shape, the source link at the end of the page has pictures of how to do it.
- Let proof for 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
- Bake for 20 minutes at 180°C.
- Mix powdered sugar with water to make icing, should be runny enough to be poured over the finished pastry.
- Add in flaked almonds and candied orange peel.
- Pour/brush on top of the hot baked pastry.
Polish Ania gotuje rogale marcińskie. Downsized and slightly tweaked.