orange chicken
total ingredients
- 1kg chicken breast
- 150g soy sauce
- 150g mirin
- 16g baking soda
- 500g flour
- 408g corn starch
- water
- 20g salt
- 1 tbsp pepper / cayenne
- small knob of ginger
- garlic ~same volume as ginger
- 2 chili peppers
- 3 green onions
- 1 stock cube
- 20g sesame oil
- 75g sugar
- 35g rice vinegar
- 1 tbsp fish sauce
- juice of 3, zest of 2 oranges
- enough neutral oil to deep fry
ingredients by use case & order
- 1kg chicken breast
- 50g soy sauce
- 50g mirin
- 8g baking soda
- 100g flour
- 400g flour
- 400g corn starch
- 20g salt
- 1 tbsp pepper / cayenne
- water
- enough neutral oil to deep fry
- small knob of ginger
- garlic ~same volume as ginger
- 3 green onions
- 2 chili peppers
- 100g soy sauce
- 100g mirin
- 75g sugar
- 35g rice vinegar
- 20g sesame oil
- 1 tbsp fish sauce
- 1 stock cube
- juice of 3, zest of 2 oranges
- 8g corn starch
- splash of water (make a slurry)
how to
- Cut the chicken into medium-large cubes. Put into a bowl with 50g soy sauce, 50g mirin and 8g baking soda. Let marinade for at least 20 minutes, ideally while preparing everything else.
- Into bowl 1, add 100g of flour.
- Into bowl 2, add 400g flour, 400g corn starch, salt and 1 tbsp of pepper / cayenne. Mix thoroughly.
- Into bowl 3, add ¼ of the above mixture and enough water to get a loose pancake batter consistency.
- Drizzle some of bowl 3 batter back into bowl 2 to create flakes.
- Into a small bowl, add and mix all the sauce ingredients (rest of soy sauce and mirin, sugar, rice vinegar, sesame oil, fish sauce, stock cube, juice of 3 and zest of 2 oranges).
- Into a pan big enough to fit all of the fried chicken, add the aromatics with a drizzle of oil. Put it to the side.
- Sync coating chicken in the batter with heating up oil to 300°F.
- Take out the chicken from marinade and, with as little of the marinade as possible, coat it in the flour in bowl 1.
- Coat in the batter from bowl 3, then add into the mix from bowl 2.
- Fry the battered chicken in the heated oil until cooked inside.
- Take out the fried chicken onto paper towels.
- Once all of the chicken is fried, heat up the oil to 350°F.
- Fry the chicken again for 1 minute until golden brown.
- Into a glass or a bowl add 8g of corn starch and some water to make a slurry.
- Toast the aromatics until they get some color.
- Pour in the rest of sauce ingredients and let come up to a boil.
- Once the sauce is boiling, add enough corn starch slurry (might not need all of it, might need more, depends on how much of the sauce has evaporated).
- When sauce is thickened, add in the fried chicken and mix until coated.
Brian Lagerstrom's crispy takeout orange chicken.