chocolate chip walnut cookies
total ingredients
- 230g cake flour
- 275g all purpose flour
- 5g salt
- 8g corn starch
- 6g baking soda
- 280g butter
- 285g brown sugar
- 115g sugar
- 2 eggs
- 3 egg yolks
- 165g walnuts
- 400g chocolate
ingredients by use case & order
- 230g cake flour
- 275g all purpose flour
- 5g salt
- 8g corn starch
- 6g baking soda
- 280g butter (melted)
- 285g brown sugar
- 115g sugar
- 2 eggs
- 3 egg yolks
- 165g walnuts (chopped)
- 400g chocolate
220°C 11 min
how to
- Mix the dry ingredients (both flours, salt, corn starch, baking soda) in a bowl.
- Melt butter.
- Whisk both sugars and melted butter in a bowl.
- Whisk in eggs.
- Add in the dry ingredients and mixed until almost combined.
- Chop walnuts and chocolate (store in the empty dry ingredients bowl).
- Mix everything together (careful not to overmix).
- Bake for 11 minutes at 220°C.
Joshua Weissman's Levain chocolate chip cookie.