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lemon tart

You are also going to need a base.

total ingredients

  • biscuit base made in advance
  • 187g sugar
  • zest of 2 lemons
  • 5 egg yolks
  • 1 large egg
  • vanilla
  • salt
  • 210g lemon juice (5/6 large lemons)
  • 141g butter
  • 150g plain yogurt
  • enough jam to cover your base in a thin layer

ingredients by use case & order

  • 187g sugar
  • zest of 2 lemons

  • 5 egg yolks
  • 1 large egg
  • salt
  • vanilla

  • 210g lemon juice (5/6 large lemons)

  • 141g butter

  • enough jam to cover your base in a thin layer
  • 150g plain yogurt

175°C 27 min

how to

  1. In a bowl or a sauce pan mix together the sugar and lemon zest.
  2. Add in the egg, yolks, salt and vanilla. Mix until homogeneous.
  3. Mix in the lemon juice and transfer to a sauce pan over small heat.
  4. While whisking constantly, heat up until thickened and covers the back of the spoon. Be careful not to overcook the curd.
  5. Once ready, take off the heat and add mix in the butter in small pieces one at a time.
  6. Let cool to a refrigerator temperature.
  7. If using a biscuit base, assuming it's cooked, cover it in a thin layer of jam and put into an oven (can be the preheated 175°C) for 3 minutes until the jam is matte in color.
  8. Once the curd is cooled and the baking dish of choice is ready, mix the yogurt into the curd.
  9. Transfer the curd to the chosen baking dish.
  10. Bake for 27 minutes at 175°C. The center should have a slight jiggle to it.


Claire Saffitz's meyer lemon tart. Scaled up by 1 yolk (~1.25x)